Via la plateforme Urgent Optimists (en anglais), c'était aujourd'hui, mercredi 20 juillet 22, le 2ème workshop de Thoshi Hoo, qui travaille à l'Institute for the future : LAB: Creative Futuring with AI (Augmented Imagination).
Des liens pour tester la plateforme Midjourney et découvrir la création artistique utilisant l'intelligence artificielle :
Ci-dessous, toujours en anglais, l'invitation à cet événement (toujours en anglais...) :
Join us for our second interactive workshop to explore how emerging AI “Augmented Imagination” tools can spark new visions of speculative futures that combine spontaneous human creativity with AI models trained on the collective consciousness and crafting contained in human art history.
We will be visualizing possible futures with Midjourney AI, one of several new AI tools (like Dall-E and Google’s Imagen) which can transform simple text prompts into surprisingly compelling, realistic and nuanced imagery.
As new AI models of language, art and other disciplines become more accessible and interconnected, they will disrupt some human labor practices, but also open up new possibilities for humans and machine intelligence to collaborate and imagine in unprecedented ways.